Xilinx is the world's leading supplier of programmable logic complete solutions. Xilinx develope, product and sell a wide range of advanced integrated circuits, software design tools, and intellectual property (IP) cores that are predefined system-level functions.

The Xilinx product line includes Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs). This solution reduces the time for electronics manufacturers to develop products and accelerates the time to market, thereby reducing the manufacturer's risk.

Xilinx products have been widely used in digital electronic applications from wireless base station to DVD player. Traditional semiconductor companies have only a few hundred customers, and Xilinx has more than 7,500 customers worldwide and more than 50,000 design starts.

Contact Us

Hong Kong

Add: Room 63,  7/F, Woon Lee Commercial Building, 7-9 Austin Ave, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong,Zipcode:999077

Tel: 00852 36458129

Email: info@c1components.com

Skype: sales@c1components.com

Sales Representative: Irene